Our Services

At Vital Hearing, we are proud to offer a wide range of services to meet your hearing and audiological needs.

We strive to work in partnership with our clients to help them live a more joyful, healthier and fulfilled life. We know that hearing health plays a huge role in overall wellbeing, and look forward to an opportunity to help you achieve a happier life through better hearing. If you feel you need a service listed below, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to learning how we can assist you.
hearing test near me

Hearing Test

At Vital Hearing, our hearing healthcare professionals use only the latest and most advanced technology to determine your hearing profile, needs, and strengths. A hearing test is quick, painless, and extremely accurate in gauging how well you hear and where exactly any hearing losses lie. You and our hearing professionals will be able to discuss your results on the same day, directly following the assessment.

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Hearing Aid Fittings

Hearing Aid Fittings

Once we have an accurate understanding of your hearing profile, lifestyle and budget, we will work together to find a hearing aid that is the best fit for you. Once we do, we will take the time to ensure your hearing aid fits comfortably and is finely tuned to meet your hearing needs. We also offer follow-up appointments to ensure you are still happy with your hearing aids, and will work with you even if you did not purchase your hearing aid from us.

View hearing aids
Hearing Aid Repaid

Hearing Aid Repair

Life happens, and sometimes hearing aids get in the way. If you find your hearing aid is not working the way that it used to, reach out to us to schedule a repair. We happily repair hearing aids that were purchased with us or elsewhere. Most simple repairs can be completed in-house; however, more complicated restorations will need to be sent to the manufacturer. In this case, we will take care of getting the aids where they need to go in order to receive the best care.

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Ear Wax removal

Ear Wax Removal (Cerumen Removal)

Cerumen, commonly known as earwax, can become impacted and cause hearing issues. Many people attempt ear wax removal on their own by using cotton swabs, but this often worsens the problem by pushing the wax further in. Instead, schedule an appointment with Vital Hearing to determine if ear wax removal is necessary and to ensure the wax is safely removed.
Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive listening devices are technologies other than hearing aids that are created to make hearing easier for those with hearing loss. These can include personal amplification systems, FM systems, or even Bluetooth. They can enhance speech clarity in noisy environments, improve TV or phone conversations, and support better communication in group settings. Assistive listening devices work perfectly well for some people with hearing loss, and many integrate seamlessly with existing hearing aids or cochlear implants for added convenience. We are happy to help you find the listening device that is right for you.
Custom Hearing Protection

Custom Hearing Protection

Whether you’re 90 days or 90 years old, have perfect hearing or severe hearing loss - it is never too early or too late to start protecting the hearing you do have. At Vital Hearing, we offer custom hearing protection solutions to our clients. Custom hearing protection includes custom molded high-quality ear buds that are created to fit your unique ear canal. This custom hearing protection can be safely used for years to come.
Tinnitus Treatment

Tinnitus Treatment

Tinnitus is an annoying buzzing, ringing or hissing sound in one or both of the ears that is most often associated with hearing loss. At Vital Hearing, we work closely with our clients who suffer from tinnitus to help find individualized solutions to meet their needs. Treatment options may include one or multiple of the following: tinnitus treatments built into hearing aids, tinnitus masking devices or apps, lifestyle changes or therapies.

Learn more about tinnitus
Schedule a hearing assessment with Vital Hearing!
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